The problem is that honestly we do these shows all the time and we always get stuck behind a table for the entire event. We never get to really go around and see the cool stuff being built or talk to our friends or vendors. Basically, we just work the whole time.
Normally we would bring all sorts of printers and flyers and business cards and print samples and have a full on presentation setup. Well our parent company, Prusa Research is also going to be there and they will have their booth with all the new printers along with those flyers and business cards and sample prints. So all we would end up doing is just having another booth pretty much just like theirs.
So we are phoning it in. Sure we have a booth and we are a sponsor for the first ever RMRRF but we are putting zero effort into it. Don't expect any fancy tables and printers and backdrops in our booth. But we will have to do something for the show. This is where you come in.
We have decided to make you do all the work for us this year. Yep, we are just gonna sit back and relax the whole time and you will have to put in all the hard work and effort to make us look good.
Every good vendor has lots of sample prints on their tables and since we are not bringing any that means you will have to do it for us. Here is your assignment. Bring us your best print. Something you would be proud of. No little maker coins or quick prints or benchies, something good, something we can hold up and say "this is what you can do with 3D printing" that way everyone will fill up our table for us. Low effort for us, lots of work for you. In exchange for your 3D prints we will hand you a full roll of our Jessie filament. Once we are out of filament we will just spend the rest of the show relaxing and not doing much, thanks for the help.
Don't forget to sign your prints because when someone sees its and says" wow, that print looks amazing" we want them to know who made it. The same will be true when someones says "wow that print looks horrible" but we know you won't bring us horrible prints right?
Now for some of that wonderful legal junk.
Limit one spool per family.
We reserve the right to refuse a print for exchange for any reason.
No weapons, political, sexually suggestive prints.
Offer only valid while supplies last.
Offer only valid during show hours.
Prints must be submitted during show hours.